Wednesday 14 September 2011

What to write?

So I have a follower. Yay me! Is this good?  Yes.  Do I know the aforementioned ? Yes indeed. :)
She is a very dedicated friend, very glad I can call her that.  As I started this blog I wondered quietly if my writing was witty, poignant or erratic?  I think messy, chaotic is better.  I really don;t know what i expected to write about or to whom I am writing.  The mass public, the inadvertent blog spy? do I want to impart MY wisdom?  or just write?

I supposes i am like most people who crave some sort of attention, crave notoriety, albeit on any scale. Dreams as I've said before are easy to have but are not so easy to obtain. I have a very good chance of getting  100 miles in the air, but not even a slim chance of making it through the atmosphere.

I think in this blog I will try to obtain the dream of writing.  It might be short, scattered and impromptu. But at least I WILL Write, Right??

Monday 5 September 2011

How does it go?

Well, Hello!  This is a first for me as I am sure it is for everyone. I normally would feel ill-prepared to comment on life, the universe and everything.  I don't feel entirely important, profound, or have regular poignant thoughts. 

I enjoy a very punny/sarcastic humour that has people either giggling or groaning.  I enjoy either respone to be honest.  I hav e dreams, asperations, and goals.  They range in easily acheived to totally unacheivable.  But as someone once told me....DREAMS Are FREE!

The greatest of these dreams is to write a novel.  Many have this dream, just as many do not! Perhaps it will happen one day.  I actually have a chapter/prologue written.  I will post it at some point.

Until that time we will see how it goes!